Little wonders of my life

Kids are totally taking my time. They hate it if I operate any of the electronic appliances. for eg.Computer,TV,Music,Blender,Fridge, phone (smart phone to be precise) etc. I am only allowed to talk to my girl or just let my son cuddle me or watch them watching their cartoon  or sing,count,dance just like their cartoon stars.I feel I am doing nothing yet doing everything. Hence no frequent posts.

When I was in  6th grade we had one of few new channels added to our cable tv . I loved watching ” Small Wonder ” I used to wait for the program and run around the home walking and talking like a robot(Vicki).


I thought she was a real robot.Some time later in another channel I saw new real robot inventions and they looked like bunch of metal parts sewed together with bolts and nuts with no real eyes,  ears, mouth and noway like Vicki. I used to think why these guys are struggling so much when they have Vicki . Looking back at that thought makes me smile now . I remember I learnt the word “dismantle”.

I loved that phase of my life ,total ignorance and innocence.Last week we were watching tv and my daughter witnessed a scene of a man crying (it was indeed a comedy scene -the man cries in a very funny manner) but my daughter asked me to stop laughing and go ask him what he needs. I laughed again and apologized to her for laughing.Agreed totally with her that we should never laugh or find pleasure in others misery.Isn’t it wonderful to get to learn things from your little ones. Sometimes extremely embarrassing but mostly absolutely adorable.

There was another such incident where we have invited our friends for dinner and after I gave them a cup of tea my daughter asks them to say “thank you” to me . Remember ?? the extreme embarrassing situations this was one of those. I couldn’t ask my daughter to not to say that as few moments ago I had asked her to thank them for giving her a gift.
As they were our friends they took it lightly & laughed at it and also thanked me as per Jaanu’s order.

She forgets the word “broken” in tamil and uses “torn” instead. Like for saying “Toy odanji pochu (The toy broken) ” she says “Toy kinjichidhu “(The toy is torn)

In future if I ask my daughter two words she can think of from her childhood its definitely going to be “Gentle” and “Polite” as we have made her hear those innumerable times. I control my urge to not bug her repeatedly but I fail more often.I keep telling myself “Just a Phase ,Phase and its going to pass”

These days I can see little personality in my son. He has learnt the technique of scaring/irritating/frustrating/taunting/traumatizing us by throwing threat tantrums and how he does it? simply banging his head on floor. Our paediatrician asked us to isolate ourself from him when he throws tantrums like those.But this guy has enough intelligence to come behind me and bang his head where ever i go.It cracks me up often but i control my urge to laugh and manage to give him a stern look as its all for his betterment.

He has learnt to shower kisses on us when ever he needs them or he needs our attention.

My son thinks if I take him away from his father its time to say ‘good night ‘ and he does it by keeping his palm on his head saying ‘nait nait’.

He can say “Fannn” showing fan and Point his finger to light if we ask.

If i dont know where is he in the house I just have to say aloud ” Ojas kanomme ..(Where is Ojas ..I cant find him)..” He will come running to me with his face all lit up expecting me to be happy on seeing or finding him. This trick never fails .

I always tell Vasanth that i need time for myself. All I do in that time slot is write about children and I always feel so happy about it without any guilt. Its never going to be enough how much ever times I thank God for giving me this adorable and lovely children.
